comment in connection with the text on education ...
Anonymous said ...
knowledge does not translate into intelligence. Intelligence is the ability przetwarzaia knowledge and reasoning. Neither measure will increase someone else's knowledge is not intelligence. This is how to say the computer with the same processor will be faster as he counted for more programs to install.
believe in good intentions, but first ensure that the relationship tzreba scratch.
Second zatruniania increase teachers is nei way to fight unemployment. We can also store zwiekkszyc number or bank governors, but whether it actually solves the problem of unemployment? Unemployment disappears when the economy needs additional manpower, and not vice versa, when the decrees potzrebe more employees. For those pracowniukow you have to pay, and nei Jelsa is a consequence of which is that in order to hire one additional teacher to slow down two ladies from the till.
Thank you anonymous for the effort to read the article (post), posted a comment and the opportunity to clarify my remarks.
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man has different kinds of intelligence - one of them involving intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge is acknowledged.
This kind of intelligence in a particular way influences the development of every human being. Of course, should be distinguished acquiring knowledge and skills of its theoretical and practical application of the ordinary "Chaining" to assess the knowledge to pass and forget ... Here intelligence is not likely to develop! There
emotional intelligence ... ;-) Verbal intelligence will too!
intelligence is also derived from human spirituality - through spiritual contact with the Supreme Intelligence.
in a few sentences is difficult to conclude the whole instotę intelligence.
More can be read, among others:
intelligence - the ability to use existing knowledge:
Web sites and books on the subject is a lot! I encourage you to seek and read it!
Referring to your example from your computer:
Well - if I know that the processor can not handle Windows 7 to Install Windows XP, and if this is working too slowly, I change to Windows 98 .. Or thought about upgrading your computer!
might otherwise need to configure your system? Perhaps you need to buy to replace the processor or memory? It requires some effort ...
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Consider, and make such a small simulation - we take a "cost" to employ staff - not just teachers! ;-)
Release all unneeded ... what happens?
first Unemployment is rising!
second We pay for their premiums, even if the health ...
of taxes are paid after an unemployed money ...
I can continue to exchange only what? Same losses at a glance!
Everything depends on the we accept the philosophy of economics fair.
Development can be interpreted in the most different ways.
can say something that brings very heavy losses and make a complete liquidation.
can say something that brings very heavy losses and make a partial liquidation, which over time can and in most cases leads to total elimination.
above-mentioned methods are reasonably safe, do not require creativity, do not force us to solve the problem, do not count the people etc.
"There is nothing that does not improve the world" - excerpt from the film "Kingdom of Heaven"
can also think about what you need to do to change, how to make something that brings great losses started to show a profit ... However, this requires effort, commitment, concepts, etc.
a wonderful example for me is Forest Park Adventure "Skalisko"
located in the beautiful village of Lower Silesia Złoty Stok.
formed in the pit (quarry), the former złotostockiej Factory Paints and varnishes. Over the years, this was a regular quarry ... But someone had the idea and made a wonderful thing - just started working with him.
a look and get acquainted with the facts:
Although open only a few months of the year saw tourist arrivals up to distant Poznan.
POLSAT Even there, he shot an episode of Fri "First Love" ...
In addition, for local residents is a source of income!
Approaching this issue as a "safe" - we could do nothing, enough to employ for cleaning the quarry from the leaves, bottles and other rubbish local unemployment ... ;-)
today there could be an ordinary quarry!
idea, concept, however, the involvement of the winners!
Development should be done through investments
elimination seems to be a road to nowhere - because is a shortcut!
I believe that it is possible to reform - not just at government level - not to create fictitious jobs. This can be done wisely. In doing this you need to think not only about what we have now, but mainly about the future.
A few years ago in Gliwice eliminated several kindergartens, fired teachers, a kindergarten teacher - someone said that they are no longer needed, that it will be more economically ...
Today's parents have trouble finding in Gliwice for kindergarten their kids ... Parents often live in one part of the city must carry their child to another part of town or unfortunately - to hire a private nanny for the considerable money ...
a few years - if nothing changes - the same problem will apply to Gliwice schools first elementary and then middle school, high school, finally ... Only if you can hire a private teacher?
probably can not, for it can send your child to private school!
Are schools Private is better than public ... ?
I could be wrong, but with his experience, as well as my colleagues Teachers - it seems to me that you'd rather not ...
Why pay for something that you can have for free?
Does the average Parent afford private school?
So - today think very seriously
on the problems of education Gliwice
's apply and how to best
and not the cheapest solution!
Yours sincerely, encouraging creativity!
"There is nothing that does not improve the world"
subscribe to these words with all my heart - Peter Uniowski