slippers I made myself. Normally I would have even thought about it, but it enchanted me slippers French Press Felted Slippers Project Melinda Bernardi. The formula for the slippers can be purchased here . Slippers goes really fast, despite the fact that each slipper is made up of four parts. The massacre is only the zwszywaniu as slippers done on 10 mm needles (I've used 8 mm, because that had the thickest, and it is ok) from several threads at once, and wool slippers come out very thick. Stapling is difficult. If ugly is sewn slippers, unfortunately, even after the felting is not the prettiest. I did not have adequate wool, so did the Kashmiru's grandson. Sole did with 6 strings! and the sides of the 4!
went for around 150 grams of yarn. In addition, sewn up before the slippers they look quite scary and not very inviting .
After stitching is the minimum size 46th
Yesterday I put them in the washing machine with towels and prały at 50 degrees for 80 minutes. How wyiągnełam them from the machine did not look too good, but they modeled a little bit on my own feet. Not is completely satisfied with the outcome, więcpostanowiłam kapciuszki decorate a little. Obszyłam tiny silver sequins stripes. I added some flowers with beads that I made personally by the formula of this blog. To make such a flower
need beads in two colors. Namely the need for 32 beads of color A and 40 beads of color B beads must have a fairly large holes. I've used a glass bead size is about 4.5 mm and a hole about 1 mm. For that you need about 1mm druciku a thickness of about 0.25 mm. As has already been done both flowers, I added a little
tulle and sewed everything to dry slippers, I can finally boast of them ;-)
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