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Financial Management in Marriage - Part 1

Financial Management in Marriage - Part 1

author of this article is Peter Pogodziński

Who should manage the finances in a marriage. Does it have to be the head of the family? Can the family breadwinner? A woman may, however, should decide on the domestic box office?
Is there a way to manage a harmonious and friendly household budget?
known proverb: "If you do not know what's going on, it is about money 'continues to be the most up to date. How many are hearing about marital quarrels about money and most of their absence or foolish spending. It often happens in marriages, that a person who is dominant, head of the family decide on all kinds of expenses for life if he takes a very serious financial investment. This happens so often in relationships, in which only one person works and is then the sole breadwinner.

This happens when the principle: I have been working and earning - I decide on what I spend. The other party in this situation turns out to passivity, as it often feels the worse side of a compound that does not have his money.

is to consider whether that in determining the division of household finances, the family may negatively reflect on the relationship partner in marriage? Perhaps at the beginning of the relationship is hardly noticeable, but over the years, this situation certainly creates many conflicts between the spouses.

I think an interesting solution would be the breakdown of certain expenses between the spouses and then automatically the responsibility for planning for their reasonable expenses would be allocated plots on both sides.

For example, one of them deals with the expenditure on grocery items and industry that is the proverbial shopping every day. While the second one of the people involved in housing fees, media and possible repayment of loans. You

yet able to identify some of the top of the indicative amounts for each expenditure group. Being in a marriage or a common connection may be there already after several months of joint management to determine approximately the size of your monthly expenses.

ideal solution would be, in this case a situation in which both spouses work. Then everyone is somehow "financially independent" from other person. Though not really my point here is that everyone live on their own, because the cash should be shared. However, if both are working and have each of you your income is to better psychological well-being is the best possible situation.

suggest, however, you, Dear Reader - even when you're the sole breadwinner of his family - let's take over half of household expenses and for their management to take full responsibility. It will be a double benefit for you. First, a person will need to have all the expenditure on the head and yourself to decide, and their implementation. Secondly, as mentioned earlier will be better for both psychological well-being that it was time to decide the issue of reasonable pieniążków .

I also believe that we might discuss and determine what expenses do you prefer and what your other half. Each of us feels much better in something worse. It is important to be chosen for each expenditure group that they were not forced to us. A good combination is certainly making payments and keep track of credits, because it entails the implementation of the installments paid invoices and credits. This should address the person who certainly will ensure timely payments in order not to cause unnecessary interest for late payment. Because if the other person responsible for grocery shopping and industrial products today have forgotten to buy matches or salt, then the world will not collapse, just do it tomorrow.
I think they have a joint bank account may also lead to some confusion. You ask why? Well, such situations may arise in which both accuse each other will be where the back part of the money disappeared from the account and what was przetrwoniona. A good solution might be to have two personal accounts at the same bank. For example, the husband works and receives a monthly payment of your account, by prior arrangement with his wife provide an internal transfer a fixed amount of monthly purchases (food). Among the bank offers you really find free personal accounts in great condition. At the time of transfer does not care about her husband's no longer the case finance everyday purchases. He pleased with the dropped part of his duties, it's happy because it has the money and decide on their reasonable issue. He

itself, for example, deals with the fees and housing loans. Obviously holds in reserve a certain proportion of the money for his wife, because as you know, there are often unexpected expenses such as a disease of children and then spending a clear increase in the month.

Larger purchases such equipment TV, furniture, etc. Of course you do together, before putting them in planning and for this purpose whenever possible make some money.

It is also obvious that a woman in a relationship may be the family breadwinner. And please, if my good lady reading this publication, you are not angry at me because I had to downplay the role of women in the compound. I just described how to lead a healthy and friendly household finances. I gave the example of most marriages, where the host is a man, or they both work. At this point I wanted to present the mere fact of division and disposition of the common money, spouses, regardless of who earns and how much earning.

a few days the second part of the topic.

My other articles:

male role in marriage Part 3
male role in marriage vol.2
role of men in marriage, part 1


This article is excerpted from website 7th Reward Yourself. For example, when you repay a loan, adore it! Go with his wife for dinner. Do something special for children. Exiting out of debt, is long:) the process so rewarding for even small achievements in this direction is an important element of motivation.

8th Earn more. In addition to reducing spending, focus on increasing revenue. Always look for ways to follow their dreams with passion Call it ... of earning.

article was based on


Krzysztof Ostrowski
Peel direction. Direction-> Success

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
is very clear, because he and his wife are working. Both therefore have a monthly income. The wife receives the coins in hand of the employer, which receives money to two days earlier than mine, which at that time "wandering" on your bank account.

Our division decide to have earned money and came up by itself, and quite by accident. However, in retrospect, I think the division is at least good - for us, of course, as the reader may have a completely different opinion.
My wife with her salary running around the house. What is meant by "running around the house?" That is enough to finance all the smaller, everyday purchases. At home dwójce kilkulatków amount of these purchases is very large and frequent. There is every need to spend money and purchase this from us everyday. It just so happens that I do not really like to make these purchases, so it took my wife, because she, in turn, the more he likes to jog around the shops.

The obvious thing is that sometimes sparing her of that, but usually she does it. But I shop in a house they unpack and sort to their seats, while she has a few moments to rest.
My role in relation to financial, is keeping deadlines and implementation of all charges and credits that with us there. To this my wife will not touch. In this respect, fate smiled on me back in 2002, when the bank where I have personal accounts introduced electronic banking. Since then, I realize all the charges through electronic transfers. This is a great solution for me, because in this way, I have a lot more time for children and wives. Once a month after receiving their salary to collect your invoices to a computer and sit down after 15 minutes I have done all the charges.

Comfortable for both of us is the fact that while we decide on the basis of certain expenses, and so the amount we create a certain unity in the conduct

household budget.

And most importantly, that such a division of roles arose in itself, without compulsion, and is responsible for both one or the other side.


male role in marriage Vol.4

role of men in marriage, part 3

role of men in marriage vol.2
role of men in marriage, part 1



This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
kiosk and bookstore


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