Thursday, May 26, 2011

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Financial Management in Marriage - Part 1

Financial Management in Marriage - Part 1

author of this article is Peter Pogodziński

Who should manage the finances in a marriage. Does it have to be the head of the family? Can the family breadwinner? A woman may, however, should decide on the domestic box office?
Is there a way to manage a harmonious and friendly household budget?
known proverb: "If you do not know what's going on, it is about money 'continues to be the most up to date. How many are hearing about marital quarrels about money and most of their absence or foolish spending. It often happens in marriages, that a person who is dominant, head of the family decide on all kinds of expenses for life if he takes a very serious financial investment. This happens so often in relationships, in which only one person works and is then the sole breadwinner.

This happens when the principle: I have been working and earning - I decide on what I spend. The other party in this situation turns out to passivity, as it often feels the worse side of a compound that does not have his money.

is to consider whether that in determining the division of household finances, the family may negatively reflect on the relationship partner in marriage? Perhaps at the beginning of the relationship is hardly noticeable, but over the years, this situation certainly creates many conflicts between the spouses.

I think an interesting solution would be the breakdown of certain expenses between the spouses and then automatically the responsibility for planning for their reasonable expenses would be allocated plots on both sides.

For example, one of them deals with the expenditure on grocery items and industry that is the proverbial shopping every day. While the second one of the people involved in housing fees, media and possible repayment of loans. You

yet able to identify some of the top of the indicative amounts for each expenditure group. Being in a marriage or a common connection may be there already after several months of joint management to determine approximately the size of your monthly expenses.

ideal solution would be, in this case a situation in which both spouses work. Then everyone is somehow "financially independent" from other person. Though not really my point here is that everyone live on their own, because the cash should be shared. However, if both are working and have each of you your income is to better psychological well-being is the best possible situation.

suggest, however, you, Dear Reader - even when you're the sole breadwinner of his family - let's take over half of household expenses and for their management to take full responsibility. It will be a double benefit for you. First, a person will need to have all the expenditure on the head and yourself to decide, and their implementation. Secondly, as mentioned earlier will be better for both psychological well-being that it was time to decide the issue of reasonable pieniążków .

I also believe that we might discuss and determine what expenses do you prefer and what your other half. Each of us feels much better in something worse. It is important to be chosen for each expenditure group that they were not forced to us. A good combination is certainly making payments and keep track of credits, because it entails the implementation of the installments paid invoices and credits. This should address the person who certainly will ensure timely payments in order not to cause unnecessary interest for late payment. Because if the other person responsible for grocery shopping and industrial products today have forgotten to buy matches or salt, then the world will not collapse, just do it tomorrow.
I think they have a joint bank account may also lead to some confusion. You ask why? Well, such situations may arise in which both accuse each other will be where the back part of the money disappeared from the account and what was przetrwoniona. A good solution might be to have two personal accounts at the same bank. For example, the husband works and receives a monthly payment of your account, by prior arrangement with his wife provide an internal transfer a fixed amount of monthly purchases (food). Among the bank offers you really find free personal accounts in great condition. At the time of transfer does not care about her husband's no longer the case finance everyday purchases. He pleased with the dropped part of his duties, it's happy because it has the money and decide on their reasonable issue. He

itself, for example, deals with the fees and housing loans. Obviously holds in reserve a certain proportion of the money for his wife, because as you know, there are often unexpected expenses such as a disease of children and then spending a clear increase in the month.

Larger purchases such equipment TV, furniture, etc. Of course you do together, before putting them in planning and for this purpose whenever possible make some money.

It is also obvious that a woman in a relationship may be the family breadwinner. And please, if my good lady reading this publication, you are not angry at me because I had to downplay the role of women in the compound. I just described how to lead a healthy and friendly household finances. I gave the example of most marriages, where the host is a man, or they both work. At this point I wanted to present the mere fact of division and disposition of the common money, spouses, regardless of who earns and how much earning.

a few days the second part of the topic.

My other articles:

male role in marriage Part 3
male role in marriage vol.2
role of men in marriage, part 1


This article is excerpted from website 7th Reward Yourself. For example, when you repay a loan, adore it! Go with his wife for dinner. Do something special for children. Exiting out of debt, is long:) the process so rewarding for even small achievements in this direction is an important element of motivation.

8th Earn more. In addition to reducing spending, focus on increasing revenue. Always look for ways to follow their dreams with passion Call it ... of earning.

article was based on


Krzysztof Ostrowski
Peel direction. Direction-> Success

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
is very clear, because he and his wife are working. Both therefore have a monthly income. The wife receives the coins in hand of the employer, which receives money to two days earlier than mine, which at that time "wandering" on your bank account.

Our division decide to have earned money and came up by itself, and quite by accident. However, in retrospect, I think the division is at least good - for us, of course, as the reader may have a completely different opinion.
My wife with her salary running around the house. What is meant by "running around the house?" That is enough to finance all the smaller, everyday purchases. At home dwójce kilkulatków amount of these purchases is very large and frequent. There is every need to spend money and purchase this from us everyday. It just so happens that I do not really like to make these purchases, so it took my wife, because she, in turn, the more he likes to jog around the shops.

The obvious thing is that sometimes sparing her of that, but usually she does it. But I shop in a house they unpack and sort to their seats, while she has a few moments to rest.
My role in relation to financial, is keeping deadlines and implementation of all charges and credits that with us there. To this my wife will not touch. In this respect, fate smiled on me back in 2002, when the bank where I have personal accounts introduced electronic banking. Since then, I realize all the charges through electronic transfers. This is a great solution for me, because in this way, I have a lot more time for children and wives. Once a month after receiving their salary to collect your invoices to a computer and sit down after 15 minutes I have done all the charges.

Comfortable for both of us is the fact that while we decide on the basis of certain expenses, and so the amount we create a certain unity in the conduct

household budget.

And most importantly, that such a division of roles arose in itself, without compulsion, and is responsible for both one or the other side.


male role in marriage Vol.4

role of men in marriage, part 3

role of men in marriage vol.2
role of men in marriage, part 1



This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
kiosk and bookstore

Hay Yaoi De Powerrangers?

How to get out of debt in the marriage

Stupid savings author of this article is Joanna Wiejak
In the vicinity of Wall Street is the place where reporters do not get ordered coffee. In an environment would be the financiers that the current crisis, largely contributed to what journalists. Did last year was the year of hysteria? In such a case to fight the crisis, we need good economists or psychologists? (...)
Where is the happy New Year?

Where have happy holidays? Were joyful and serene, or overwhelmed you crunched from all sides ingoing messages deepening crisis? Probably get used to some bad financial information. We are surrounded on all sides. The value of gold falls. Euro up, crossed the magical border of 4 zł. Exchange still exists, but sluggishly creeping indexes do not encourage investors to greater interest. The economy is growing slowly. Will be fewer jobs. The increases will not be so obvious, wages will be almost constant at the site. Although banks, thanks to effective advertising investment, obtained bad effects of the financial and banking sector reportedly gearing up good bonuses.

And it's not a recession?

Worse doing other financial services sector, many agents and advisers changing profession, seeking a new job. Harder to obtain credit. Banks require collateral, because the value of the property does not protect the Bank's claims have any problems with the payment of the installments. Falling production. Falling car sales. In addition, exporting companies have lost huge amounts of money wrongly betting options on a change in exchange rates. Consumption decreases, even for products food. Internet stores, however, recorded increases in turnover before Christmas. The government is considering changing the timetable of accession to the eurozone. And it's not a recession. It's just a slowdown. In the vicinity of Wall Street is the place where reporters do not get ordered coffee. In an environment would be the financiers that the current crisis, largely contributed to what journalists. The scale of the financial turmoil pushed other events on the side track. Did last year was the year of hysteria? In such a case to fight the crisis, we need good economists or psychologists? What awaits us in the near future? What will the New Year?


CashFlow & You


Joanna Wiejak
- Courses for Investors - How to gain financial independence and>>

Forge Millionaires - Realize your financial dreams come true>>

Article comes from the service - banks bank

author of this article is Sebastian Jarosz
Look at the crisis differently than everyone else. Take advantage of opportunities and opportunities that thanks to him to reveal. RICH.
It is said that the biggest fortunes are created in a time of war or crisis. That's when the most you can earn. Let us hope that this first case will never be given to us to experience, but I just

crisis we have. We do not know if it will take, we need to adapt to it and live normally, with a little ingenuity can make money on it. So
's use opportunities that are around us.

Share prices on the Warsaw Stock Exchange are overvalued and begs to invest in them. Imagine that

securities exchange is a supermarket that sells the shares. And it now takes a great sale.

It is hard that there are no crowds of people who would like to buy goods by 60-70% cheaper than a few months ago. In the supermarket example, the clothing at lower prices, this would be difficult to find a parking space, then even if you could buy something that would become two hours in line at the checkout. Is not this a paradox?

The brokerage house without a queue, buy what you want, wait a few months and sell a large profit. When will the boom, the shares will be expensive - then there will be crowds of people and is willing to buy from you dear shares. Another paradox. Totally different than in a supermarket.
I think the comparison with hypermarket just visualize the possibilities and opportunities offered by the WSE a large profit. However, nobody knows how many will take a crisis and bound to fall. And that is why before you invest - well prepared for this.

Perhaps buying a share later gain more with less risk.
Perhaps going to the stock market now we risk further markdowns and losses on assets painful for our portfolio. Perhaps it's not a good time for an IPO, but it certainly is a great time to prepare for a situation when there will be boom or upward trend. Just as the fast train - who will go to him at the right moment to jump that reaches to the end and earn a lot, and the rest as usual, will be "on the platform" ... This article is excerpted from website - banks bank

1971 Moto Ski For Sale

Finance Stupid, Part 2

clever to spare?

author of this article is Dominik Dworniczak
How to save a million zlotys which we do not have!
Beware of small expenses, a small hole is often the cause of the sinking of the great ship
." - Benjamin Franklin

In everyday life, each of us spends money not quite realizing how everyday purchases affect their financial future. And saving stupid
2zł day gives us $ 60 per month, which investing for 45 years (professional activity)
at 12% per annum

gives us almost 1.3 million. zł
So perhaps it is worth every penny to spend wisely?
do I start? The easiest way not to buy anything ever going to use only once, such as books or films. I know many people who collect DVD movies for which he paid a total assets of no more than 5% has been viewed more than 1 time, and at least 10% have yet to wait, because there was no time.

worth while to buy all of whom will benefited in the long term will bring you more benefits. I remember a friend was paying for the loan of a lawnmower, as I asked how much the new mower, it is not yet proven. It turned out that about 2.5 times more than the loan, so long ago was that the machine in the garden, and the rest worked on her retirement. At the advice of your creativity counts, the more things you will find the more you save. Think for example of energy-saving fluorescent lamps, the clipper and economical car.

Have you ever wondered why promotions are so cool? My friend recently told me that I saved 300 zł buying a super jacket. She was on the $ 500 promotion overemphasized. Because this jacket did not really need it, I think that in reality he lost 200 PLN. Consider how many times you, happened to buy something you did not need, but I just threw you in the eye, or was the promotion? 1) Do not buy things they do not need

2) Take a shopping list and then keep her,

3) Avoid brand products, unless you are 100% confident that You pay for a much better quality,

4) Plan purchases and buy in bulk,

5) haggle over the price where you can (for example, buying a car or computer, as well as stalls, in exchange offices). Sometimes, just politely ask. You risk nothing, and always a pair of gold may be in the wallet,
6) Do not buy new things that lose value quickly (eg cars),
7) Avoid long telephone conversations, the meeting may be much cheaper and nicer:)
8) Borrow things that are going to be used only once and did not borrow only buy if you know that you will frequent use of them. PS.
Remember money saved is money earned.
Dominik Dworniczak, author of the course ... how to achieve financial freedom: ---
Dworniczak Dominic is interested in investing and achieving passive income . Go to the page where you can get for free more advice:
free course investment

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank - Financial binder
= Bank, causing the interest repaid to you 2x as much, and of course we installment installment installment and again. But whether this financial product can be compared to a standard loan, "the proof"?

student loan can not be compared with other products of the bank, no loan in 5 minutes and even up to 10 hours. The main difference is that in addition to the preferential destination ks only for students not bear interest at the time of its collection + 2 years could be said for free. So if we take the money from the very beginning of our science gives us seven years without a single% interest. Of course, we can also think that such a bank for us then for all these seven years will add. Nothing like this has no place. We have 7 years of influence on our account and then be handed over to the bank as his. And here comes a second huge difference because we can not ever compare this product with a standard bank loan. Interest from this moment is we are only half the rate of the NBP bills. This is usually + / - 2.3%! After all, it is "nothing."

If you need money for study of lichen because you can not afford them, we do not talk about - the future is paramount. But even as you have money then you might want to have after 5 years of postponing cash injection of EUR 30 000 zł without a single% interest. Then

student loan can always be a salvation for new and better start in life - business, car, family ... probably better than any other such credit where przepłacimy dearly.
can also invest the money - if not enough that we have the money for "free" to earn more. But here you have to approach the matter with your head not to lose, because

investing as you know what, how and where the fabric is not dangerous as many people think. If you are interested invite the student loan, for example, to the page where you can dowieć everything about it. Additionally, you can find information about what to do with
credit while studying


author K. Fudala entry - Personal Finances

Copying permitted in its original form to the inclusion of the source of the page.

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
How to earn does not cause?

author of this article is Dariusz Dłużeń

Who has not dreamed of earning extra money without hiring in the next place of work? Most people want a little extra money, but do not want to take a job in an extra-time. Fortunately, there are several ways to earn extra cash, some of them do not even require leaving home. Below I will present several ways to easily earn a few extra pennies.

- Sell on auction websites. If you look after your home you'll find a lot of items that do not use or have you just bored and which are guaranteed to find buyers for Likewise, you can sell handicrafts. Unique and original items quickly find new owners. You can make money in this way, any time of day and night until you go home just to send the shipment. - Sell at the flea market. Attics and basements of our homes come with lots of junk that can be sold on the flea market. Such fairs are held in most major cities, mostly on weekends so there is no need taking leave. Please do not swap my affiliate links.

--- Everything you need to succeed

Self-improvement and learning

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank At the outset it is worth noting that the advisory service, which provides a financial adviser, are actually 100% free, nay, a meeting with such a person does not oblige us to take advantage of its services. This is completely solved differently than in the West, where such advice costs around 100 euros. In Poland, yes there is, although some doradców draws attention to the fact that customers are, who, through them, check np. creditworthiness in several banks, then they say 'Thank you' and they are going to arrange the formalities specified banking credit. This ranges about 10%, which automatically makes 10% of the time adviser on the grid is somehow "lost". However, the truth is that most of these "10%" makes it so distrustful that they will not have to pay for advice. What could be the reason for this state of affairs?
According to me, above all the presumption that advice is not free. And that customer will surely at some stage, will "have to" pay for service. In Western Europe, the profession is treated as an institution of public trust. To better illustrate the dentist will use an example. If the tooth hurts us and visit it that we have a defect in the "4", it does not discuss and did not try to persuade dentists to bore in the next "3." We assume that the dentist knows what he's doing - after all, knows at this, right?
Similarly with a financial advisor. Payment in Europe for its services due to the simple fact - the existence of this institution for many years. In Germany, no one comes, as in Poland, alone on the banks, searching for the cheapest mortgages on the market, but engages the task of the person who knows the best loans. For example, questions about their future pensions (pillar 3), dating to consult with an advisor, for which the world simply pays. Someone may be obruszyć "for what." This approach results from social psychology that prevails in Poland, which makes us feel everywhere trick, tips and, yes yes, but for FREE. However, if you buy an apartment and have questioned whether the developer made a deal correctly, go to a lawyer to make this her examined - but he did not do it for free ... So, where does pay a financial adviser? The answer is very simple. If a customer indicates a good product, such as mortgage

, or suggest the use of the program

Family on its own - then an institution, such as a bank pays a certain amount of advisors on commission basis. But only when it comes to signing the contract. And never in the way of additional cost for the customer.

The proposal is therefore simple - there is no contract, no salary. Therefore, a true financial advisor can not afford to botch. Indication of the wrong solution would have the effect, and customer dissatisfaction, such as the lack of recommendations in the future. The same is true for example in construction - as someone we will do a nice dance floor, we recommend his services, as there ... And the person who uses the services of consultants on a "take a look myself," should The question is if it would feel being on site advisor. Such actions are unethical in my opinion - no but in the end there will always be someone who is not playing "fair" ...

--- This article is excerpted from website

Student Loan

is nothing but "money for free. " I think that my money does not lie in the proverbial sock, but until such time as declines in the stock market were systematically invested in investment funds and stocks as safe -

Investing is really as safe as though he knows a little of what it is. At this point I'm not so much free money as gained. Profits funds over the past four years were up 90% so we do not have to explain whether or not to take out this loan. I recommend everyone has the option to recommend additional financial and service where you will learn everything about the student loan and you rely on free advice on this product, or future investment if you want.


author Kamil Fudali entry. Copying permitted

unchanged from umieszczneniem source page:

Free articles

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank the simple instructions.

author of this article is Daniel Janik

Although now, in times of crisis, this may seem ridiculous, we live in wonderful times. More than ever before people did not live so well and did not have many investment opportunities as they are now. This is great news. The second - a little worse - is that many of these possibilities entails risks, according to the principle that the greater the risk, the greater the profit. Although now, in times of crisis, this may seem ridiculous, we live in wonderful times. Never before people do not live so well and did not have many investment opportunities as they are now. This is great news. The second - a little worse - is that many of these possibilities entails risks, according to the principle that the greater the risk, the greater the profit. But this is also something positive. The more we know the specific capabilities, including the risk becomes smaller. So profits high with a decreasing risk. This is fantastic news!

But it is certain, "but". Well, nothing is for free ... and I'm not talking about money! As for your taking the time to learn and explore various financial instruments and selecting best suit your preferences. So how do you save
irritation of nerves and missed investment? How to obtain knowledge that will multiply your capital? is the Internet, are libraries and friends. Internet and libraries have it to yourself that you'll find virtually everything, but you have to dig too many documents to find the most important information. It may take some time. If you have a friend or a financier and economist added he is willing to share it with you their knowledge - as soon as possible, use the Help!



Daniel Janik - site creator and author of the ebook

"From Dream to Reality"
This article is excerpted from website - bank bank
credit card and earn ...

author of this article is Sebastian Jarosz

Credit Card you associate with the load? It generates too much spending, often unnecessary? See how to turn the tables here to start making money using a credit card. Do you have a credit card? Or do you wonder if it's worth it to have? Therefore, one has to wonder if I also include such people. If so, you need to fight it, every purchase, every item of expenditure must rethink, and the best pre-plan. We must find pleasure in saving and building your savings.

And if money is treated differently than paper plastic it's high time to break away from this very strange habit. When making purchases in a shop, internet, etc. hipermakecie always follow the quality of the product, its price and whether you are actually the product needed. Absolutely do not make purchasing decisions based on the currency. It does not matter whether you pay by card or cash living.

2zł issued a coin is a tangible 2zł same as issued by credit card.

only difference is such that paying by credit card, you can save some money on that and make money. How?

not treat credit cards as a loan - so would the bank, which at the time when you do not pay off the debt from the card (usually up to 50 days) it will charge you interest. You must be smarter. How? Now Register Online Account in such a bank that offers easy money for the placement of some short-term deposit for example, 10-day, and preferably AVISTA, a savings account that gives you the ability to draw cash at any time without losing interest.

Point all their earnings on the account is

, and use your credit card whenever possible. Buy food, clothing, fuel for your car, take charges for telephone, rent, etc. and pay for everything by credit card. Throughout the month, you will thus benefit from the money your bank and your money will be private in a savings account. At the end of the credit card billing first glance the whole debt. I see your statement as interest rates have been credited to your account for the retention of cash in a savings account.

This is your net profit, which have put together a pay by credit card. Multiply the monthly profit of 122 months and see what amount you had at the end of the year. It will no longer realistic amount for which you will be able to buy something specific or invest - your choice. But really it's not only the profit and utility from the use of credit cards. Apart from the convenience

HSBC credit card, you have the possibility of obtaining some interest rate discounts in many stores, for each card you get insurance NW kilkunastutysięcyzłotych the amount depending on the bank - check out how much you would have to pay for such insurance in an insurance company. In addition, you get insurance on purchases made through the cards before the purchased goods such as theft and wilele other insurance, for which, unfortunately, sometimes you have to pay so you should read the insurance terms and consider whether the pay insurance is really necessary for us - this card will be a source of profit for you and not kolejnym burden for the budget. bonus, which gives some banks are able to collect points in various networks, mobile stations, etc. .. This means that by paying points you get to your account (for example, each issued 5zł - 1 point). When I accumulate some kind of reasonable number of points you can redeem them for any type of gadgets washer fluid, magazine subscriptions, or a package of free minutes to your cell phone. Such bonuses are added to the card is much, and their number is constantly growing, because growing competition. Banks compete with each other by encouraging customers to hold their cards in the hope of including that the statistical Pole buys too much, then there is nothing to repay debt and ultimately has to pay interest on the bank. Using an iron discipline in budgeting, shopping, and timely repayment of debt, you can win a lot of this for yourself, you are encouraged to do finance and investment portal dobrydeal
--- en I agree to reprint or copy of this article Only with active links. This article is excerpted from website - banks bank of us to make money on recharging and recharge my phone practically for free, or at least much cheaper? The solution may be paying affiliate programs for top-up. Blue

Meet proven ways to monetize the Internet

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank

own finances is the author of this article Kamil Fudala

Is everyone wonders on their own personal finances, whether we know how to choose a bank, whether or not we succumb to advertising or a family tradition investing capital in a bank, taking out a loan just anywhere or establish an investment in PKO XX because it sure is a Polish bank ... are you sure?
after having converted the EURO in the nearby offices, I decided to approach the bank and pay their "savings" by using a bank account that the deposit is free, and will find money in my account online in minutes ... no, and I sit, I'm waiting in the queue ... in front of me and behind me mostly people aged 30 -70 years ... Most of asking for a loan, the repayment of the loan and the elderly in Poland as it happens on "saving for a percentage of" ... or the so-called book ... me as a young person in the 5th year in August is associated with years of childhood (early 90s) where Dad brought home a green booklet BS because I paid something for his brother .... "> Well, but to things. Personally, I'm very interested in finance and at the same time care about personal finances and does not give a straight push super offer the best on the market." Once

lived to see the ... I went to the window, sat down comfortably (so the progress of the seat .... no glass barrier), I asked the lady to make a deposit to my account at xxxx zł ... at that time one of the other clients (here, aged 50-70lat) asks you about some good form of saving .... because she has XX xxx thousand dollars and did not want to to lay in the proverbial skarpecei ... no to a cashier lady says that it is best to book housing ... Or place .... AŻŻŻŻŻżżżżżżżż 4.5%!! And to what sort of publicity: "I must tell you that it was previously is about 2% so we now use, and this without the tax !!!!" ... I began to wriggle, as usual, in the spirit of what people are not educated in their own finances ... the fact that an older person to look harder to find online and in today's world, but who looks and says, do not wander ... most of these people have younger children, or grandchildren .... but is it possible ... something not usually because the family is just as "backward in matters of finance "like the proverbial grandmother grandmother .... how is a loan and keep the money in the bank, and X is the son / father holds in X ... children and grandchildren are also convinced the bank X ... in our country, unfortunately, This trend still persists.

But back to the old lady at the window next to it. After a brief conversation (the link is here after all the time in which the money to pay another account which obviously takes literally 2 minutes), our customer does not wonder if it's worth, or perhaps ask another bank (for example Polbank is located 30 meters away), but delighted that she will have up to 4.5% (probably does not understand that this year - because what I did not mention our lady wants to pay for 6 months) without hesitation said yes ... Please set me this place ....

To sum up: 2 minutes polak / polka without a second thought to the frozen money raoku half or one year ... at 4.5 / 7% and sign a contract .... 2 minutes: ourselves to look for alternative solutions, or just simply compare the data in the world offers .... Here we have 4%, here I have 5% and 6% here .... no to anyone knows how to count to 6, and he knows where it is better ...
example is also a member of my family ... a housing loan in the bank XX ... injury to speak his name ... but then again it was dictated by its proximity because the nearest major town is 40km from home, and the bank only 10 ... (20 min drive less once a year - because rest can be done on the internet) ... the 0.5 years I tried to convince that person to przewalutowała credit and bank changed .... but as a Pole ... and our society ... "What," and this must be combined, "and that papers" .... 2 visits to the bank and sometimes even one filled with some form is more expensive than the monthly installment lower, say 200 zł! Now that some time a person is mentioned in another bank, the loan in another currency ... installment of 1200 dropped to 900 with the hook .... and a car bought on installment savings for those 250 .... and only hear "about it was worth it ...." pity that such people do not remember each other from the beginning .....
Applications are simple .... Money is not a toy ... we want to save it one day will not save us because it is always associated with longer horizon ... We have loan demand by another, we take the credit ... Always przejedzmy after 4 or 5 banks will be high if such a house .... we have a paid account (for me in the nineteenth century was some paranoia), let's change it for free ... with free transfers, we will not have to go to the post office to pay bills .... grain to grain and brick 300/400 zł more in the portfolio monthly (for larger amounts) ... no but if it is not very well .... I can only wish good luck .... take care of your personal finance

.... !


entry author K. Fudala - Finance Personal Thinking about the savings associated with the car we start with the analysis of our car insurance. As a third-party insurance

is mandatory, as is apparent from the Act of 22 May 2003. of compulsory insurance, Insurance Guarantee Fund and Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau, which says that anyone who has a vehicle subject to registration must take out liability insurance policy. So what policy to choose not to overpay, and settle it quickly and comfortably? Response these questions are new drivers insurance distribution channels: Internet and telephone. Purchased this way car insurance is usually cheaper than traditionally purchased.

most important rule when buying insurance is: Insurance should have the widest possible range with the lowest premiums. OC car insurance policy, as is known, is mandatory and protects the driver from the financial consequences for the damage caused to others. However, if you want to be covered by insurance, not only to third parties, but also damage to our car - then you can take out a policy Casco (AC), also with the extension of the risk of theft. Height contributions, although very important, however, should not be the only parameter determining the attractiveness of AC insurance. Only when you buy the OC should be guided by only the price of insurance. Many companies offer big discounts for insuring the package (AC OC) and should benefit from such opportunities, as well as additional insurance. In the selection of offers we are also guided by renowned insurance company. Here we suggest that the most news in the press and the opinions of friends. It is in these opinions just to listen.

next step to lower the costs associated with car is
. Eco-driving, and in Polish ekojazda is an economical, economical driving, that such conduct to fuel consumption, and thus its maintenance costs are minimized. Ekojazda an appropriate style of driving a car in good condition. Basic principles


- Do not stop the engine warmed by increasing engine speed. In this way, the power unit slowly heats up, swallowing larger amounts of fuel. It is slow to move, then the engine heats up much faster.
- Please refrain from driving on the loose. Cars burn at least fuel during engine braking. During a braking motor is driven by the wheels of the vehicle and the fuel supply is closed. The fuel begins to flow back into the engine only at about 1300 rpm.
- If you want to ride now you have to learn to ride smoothly. Acceleration of the vehicle requires a lot more energy than maintaining a constant speed. So try as little as possible to brake and accelerate.

Several of the above information certainly will increase the savings of many a driver. I encourage you to deepen their knowledge. Good luck! ---

MotoFinanse.PL - loans and car insurance

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
or investing their money. The money will be spent to finance your studies, accommodation or any other purpose that you assume. Saving for a child will allow you to secure its future and make the starting adult life, will be in a better position than many of its peers.

saving possibilities for the child are many - ranging from investment policies through savings plans, mutual funds, individual investments in the stock market and ending with the investment in

gold, diamonds and real estate. The choice depends is from our financial knowledge and willingness to bear risk.

Regardless of which of the forms of investment money for the children choose, you should start today. The sooner you start, the more capital you can muster. However, to achieve the goal of the most important thing is consistency - even if you only pay 50 PLN per month, do it! Unfortunately, most people believe that we should not invest small amounts, forgetting the magic of compound interest. Small amount invested regularly and the high percentage could grow to really large sizes.

form of investing more and more money for the child are

real estate investments. House buying on credit, and renting them, we can significantly reduce the installment to be paid, or even make money on this, if the rent paid by the tenant to pay all costs and will have something for us. After about 20 years, when the loan is repaid, the child has to start flat, where they can live or rent them earning a passive income.
If you do not involve any contracts, loans and compulsory, for example, monthly contributions, you can create mBank free account - banks bank

Kamila Smith is

Do not have an Internet account in a bank? What are you waiting for? Do not hinder your life, look for alternatives in the network.
nineteenth century has brought us into the age of industry. The twentieth century led to great inventions. The XXI century has entered a day of new technologies and especially the Internet. Today, we handle almost everything through the network. Internet not only allows you to chat with friends, reading an interesting book or listening to favorite songs. Do a little shopping on the Internet and, increasingly, make bank transactions. Almost every store or bank, nay, almost every company has its own website, through which you can use its services. And as virtual shopping has become something absolutely typical, it is still looking for a banking supporters.

Some bank customers afraid to settle their financial affairs on the screen. Totally unnecessary! E-account yield far more benefits than the usual, "stationary". Most services are free. Access to the account becomes much simpler, which saves time. Disappears queuing problem. Do not have an account Electronic terrible as it is painted. This can be an example to demonstrate accounts in a few selected banks.

Banks offering Internet service

For larger banks, such as PKO BP, there are rarely purely online account. However, you can use certain services offered through the network. PKO BP, these include, inter alia, perform transfers, handling deposits, loans, cards, operations on standing orders or direct debits.

Internet and telephone services are part of the so-called. iPKO, which can benefit every customer having any accounts in the bank. A disadvantage is that it does not affect the amount of fees charged for maintaining your account. Moreover, the use of iPKO entail additional charges from 50 gr. to 2 zł. depending on your account. The commission is not only the Gold Account Accounts and Platinum. Online and telephone transfers are payable (except for Platinum, up to 1 million). It is also possible to use a token, a one-time code generator used to verify transactions on your account. Thanks tokenowi perform any banking transactions in the network is secure because the code needed to implement them we know only we, as owners token. Interest on accounts is 0.10%.

same is true with Pekao SA. No e-accounts, while the service is available Pekao24, which allows you to make transactions in your account by internet or telephone (including sending text messages.) Service applies to accounts with Eurokonto package, namely: Academic, Standard, Plus, VIP, Predstiż, Mortgage Plus and Basic. In addition to prestige Eurokonto transfers over the Internet are paid, from 30 gr. to 2 zł. Keeping accounts is paid, depending on the specific account, from 50 gr. to 20 zł. (20 zł. Only if Eurokonto Mortgage Plus).

Pekao24 can also include fixing debit transactions deposits, funds. The Bank also provides a token. Making withdrawals at ATMs is done using Maestro cards and ATMs is free in Pekao SA, Euronet, and UCI. As far as the interest rate on accounts in the bank, it is equal to 0.01.
Banks offering Internet account

As you can see, it is best to choose a bank-oriented from the beginning to the end of the typical online account maintenance. Then we can be confident (at least 99%) that we will not be burdened with additional costs in the form of fees for handling, transfers, etc. It is also good when your account brings a profit, so it is best to avoid accounts that do not bear interest. If you want to be longtime bank customer account interest rates definitely come in handy, especially since the profit from it may withdraw or reduce the losses caused by minor charges for other services. In addition, note the interest rate on savings accounts and deposits with the same bank, in case we planned to take advantage of these opportunities in the future. Do not be afraid

Also the internet. With a well-protected computer, our money will be fine. Remember only about installing an antivirus program, preferably manually typing the address of the bank where we have an account and niepodawaniu login and password to anyone. Not odpisujmy also e-mails, which the sender asks us to provide these data by posing as a bank employee. No bank sends a similar e-mails. If you want to save on bank commissions and save time, an Internet account is the best solution. And you, what account would you choose?

--- This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
shed the extra pounds or just feel better in your own skin. Anyway decided to undertake a diet today, but its effects will not be immediate, and before they occur will have to make a little effort.
is no different with our finances if we want to save some money or invest it. In both cases, the decision is a matter of current, and its fruits will be collected in the near or distant future. The investment can best be described as a renunciation of present consumption for future gains. This approach contrasts Of course the saying "a bird in hand than a pigeon on the roof", but it has many advantages and can be useful every day.
house, land or house does not typically buy for cash. To finance this investment we go to the bank after the loan. We will pay it back through a dozen or so years of our future income.
Also when shopping for a lower value such as furniture, appliances and household appliances such as posiłkujemy the payment in installments, and is the best installments in 0%. Finally, the cost of purchasing the finest we can spread out the paying for it such as a credit card.
If there were a few words about spending a moment worth pausing to consider the savings. Who among us would not have even a small Sumka ot just in case. Just like this happen? Most of us can say with Peter Machalica issue with the film "Art of Love" that has "weak willpower." And it is consistency and strong will are the key to saving after all. On the other hand, many people said no to what you put. Others find that they have loans to repay, so what is put at the same time pay interest. Nothing could be more erroneous first postponed the amount need not be large. After all, Rome was not built. Important to have been successively postponed. Earned in this way Sumka can be used in different ways. It can be a great security in bad times, such as lack or depletion of periodic income. It may also provide such contribution by buying more, which requires such a contribution. Finally, it allows us to afford more luxurious than usual holiday
What to simultaneously save and repay credit is a contradiction is only apparent. We would normally pay back loans as soon as possible. It is difficult to do so without additional revenues. The more difficult if the sum of the loan several times higher than current income and the repayment is scheduled for many years. In addition, if a loan is expressed in foreign currency is the amount of installment from month to month changes. In case of load increase above our current capacity we have something up his sleeve to compensate for this inconvenience.

Returning to the diet is supposed to every good diet should be varied, the financial as well. Thus, reaching after the credits is as a natural solution to the deposition of the income or the investment of surplus cash. Thanks in advance, rather than to allow our current income, we will be able to enjoy the purchase of goods or services. The thing is that sometimes with seemingly contradictory solutions to achieve these goals and at the same time every day to feel safe.


Paul Sobkiewicz

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank - kiosk and bookstore

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bank accounts, which would you choose? author of this article is Paul pearl barley

This paper describes on what you should look for when choosing a bank account, which bills merit your attention. Advantages and disadvantages of bank accounts.

Today's bank account (ROR) takes nearly all of us. Not so long have been associated with the account charges, and the continuing necessity of standing in long queues at the bank. But now, setting up and maintaining your account does not have to be at all burdensome and expensive at the moment have an account is indeed convenient and free. The paper will try to explain the features for which you should pay attention to choose the best account for yourself.

Personal accounts are bank accounts for individuals (individual or common), otherwise known as savings accounts
(abbreviated as ROR s).

Want to open a bank account
? But how?
When choosing a bank you should take into account the range of services and the cost of both their conduct and service. You must specify to which services you use most often (whether it be withdrawal from an ATM or bank transfers) and which services much less frequently. More and more personal account allows you to conveniently manage their money on the Internet - access 24 hours a day and can make any number of transfers - as well as access to a network of free cash in ATMs.

When choosing a personal account, pay special attention to:
interest - charges related to possession of the account (ie charges: bank, withdrawals from ATMs, account maintenance, etc.)
- height and interest on overdraft
- ways of handling accounts (internet, phone, SMS, etc.)
- the possibility and conditions established deposit the money in the account
- the number of ATMs

often holders of personal accounts can over time to rely on privileges is not related directly to offer of the bank. The most popular are:
- exemption from fees for the personal accounts provided in the bank incurring a loan or use a credit card
- receive a special credit card for online purchases

- a brokerage account linked to your personal account, which facilitates making

settlement - discount on pre-paid recharge

- such as rebates when ordering flowers flower in the mail.

Having a bank account, you continue to have access to money and an insight into the status of your account. You can also use ATMs around the clock running and available in almost every institution of the bank of terminals. The latter allows, among others checking account balances, make transfers or print transaction history. Internet banks (but not only) also have Cash Deposit Machines, so that you can very quickly put cash in your account. This is especially convenient proposal by a bank because of the free deposit and time saving. In order to get acquainted with the banks recommend to benefit from the financial service - banks bank


author of this article is Paul pearl barley

article about the bank accounts for young people. What to look for when choosing bank accounts, which bills youth deserve attention.
If you are underage and earn pocket money or get it is obvious that you would like to keep them on their own account. Fortunately, gone are the days when the bank was not up to what to choose, without an ID card. Now young people can pick their bids. To open a bank account you need only one: be over 13 years.
Having a bank account for such young people is an excellent opportunity to learn something new, you can see their comfort and functionality. These are just some of the advantages of youth
bank accounts. Ability to management of their money is a valuable feature, which we learn from an early age. A bank account is the best way to do it, how to learn to save. But also on how wisely begin to move in the realities of modern market economy. Knowing how to use banking services, be useful to you for a long, many years.

not earn?

One of the biggest advantages of online banking accounts is that they are almost completely free. Banks are well aware of the fact that young people may have problems with the monthly contributions to your account. Hence, the banks offer monthly receipts to the account are not required or the amount does not exceed a few dozen gold. Only some banks charge a monthly fee for maintaining your account. This fee is usually up to 3 zlotys per month. However, completely free of charge account on offer is such mBank (IzzyKonto)
costs of maintaining an account

When choosing a bank account should pay attention not only to pay for its operation, but it also includes the number of free services provided by the bank. Looking so right for you account, you must pay special attention to money transfers outside, internal transfers (ie, whether the transfers made within the same bank are free). Where are going to perform a large number of transfers per month, look for the bank, where, although you pay a monthly fee for keeping accounts, but transfers are free.

important is the number of free ATMs, which perform cash withdrawals at no cost. In Poland, the priority in this category is the bank Pekao SA and Kredyt Bank. Both banks can boast a network of some three thousand free ATMs. Importantly, most banks offer their customers a free minor cards.

you are aged 18 years?
Most bank accounts for people after the 13 years expires on obtaining his majority, but some banks with up to 30 years, we can still use accounts youth. Banks often prepare special offers for students who are becoming increasingly popular. Their main advantage are the low costs of the bill. Ultimately, the choice - banks bank - Financial binder
advise on matters of finance. They are used by both individual persona, as well as experienced investors. This trend persists in the Polish market for several years now. The obvious result of this situation, there was an explosion of competition, and so today advisory companies is a whole lot. The question is - who will be advisor to me in the right way and give me assistance in all matters of interest to me?

Here at the forefront is the story's being tested. Customers, for which the financial advisor

work, their references, as well as the current financial situation is the best evidence of effectiveness. Given people who benefited from the services of the company, no need to pay much attention to the scope of aid that was granted. Is unimportant whether the firm helped in terms of loans with subsidized
, mortgage or investment. In the first stage choose their own advisors most important is the overall reputation of the company. With this selection you can quickly separate the "wheat from plewu" and proceed to the next stage of verifying the effectiveness of advisers of the representative.
After looking around the general market advice and financial intermediation have been more attention applied to the specific service which is in the spotlight. If, for example, that interests us is the product of advice on the aforementioned
credits or subsidies

program "Family at home,"

need to check what the agency offers. What do people who already are clients of the consultancy. Such information often can be found on the company's website, the best source of knowledge of this type are forums. Places where customers were free to express themselves and describe their experiences with the firm. ---

financial advisers This article is excerpted from website - banks bank

should be someone who can build a lasting relationship with your partner and most important client. Therefore, there always comes a long apprenticeship and work experience baggage. The counselor should have a thorough knowledge of economic conditions and a desire to further education and collaboration. So can it be a person who is passionate about the issues of finance, economy, stock market.

Today, we can meet and offer many, many "advisers" of financial, credit or investment. Especially this last group very recently can be felt. Does our opinion, anyone who calls himself "investment adviser" As the houses, tolls like the interviewer, or distribute flyers? Can we associate more with a person pprzebywającą at one fixed point to which we can turn to for help when you need it? In my opinion, the second definition is more accurate. So you should be able to distinguish between an adviser from the "advisers" really "salesman"
worth noting that my words will reinforce the fact that in Poland by 2005, an investment advisor license has won about 200 people. Exam is a three-tier advisor. I can not get this license Each ... so. Do any of these thousands of advisors is an advisor? Of course not ...

So how do I know if someone is or is not an adviser .... It should be noted that even if someone does not have a license, does not mean that we have to thank him from the race ... really there are people "passionate" in the topics of economics, finance, and are often often better than those with the certificate. Therefore, we draw attention to such things as:
af2ea90bfddd2190med Mark - but here the opposite view,
no desire to interview
Rushin memory and commitment There is a lot to write about the advice. I submitted the description are intended to teach you to recognize who you odczynienia. Even when everything is about the most important thing is to talk and your assessment of skills and knowledge of the person before you. When a person This person presents his extensive knowledge and willingness to help and do not force you right away from signing a contract, you may consider the subsequent conversations already at a higher level, even with the possibility of signing the contract you interesting.

Investment Consulting, financial or credit is not for everyone, and you should be able to recognize the person intending to really help us from those who at any price I want to earn "daily target"


entry author K. Fudala - Personal Finances

Copying permitted unchanged by inclusion the source of the page.

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
still volatile - analysts believe. Rate

gold will weaken - analysts believe. Too early for the euro
- analysts believe. For viewers financial newspaper readers or financial portals such words probably are not new. Plenty of them everywhere. Analysts speak up, analysts predict, and finally - analysts believe. But what, or what? Undoubtedly, the most fashionable recently been the subject totally absorbing account not only the analysts are trading currencies predict individual Target

Currency (if anyone believes in it more?). Somewhere between these two lines of argument we hear time and time again with some speculation about the fact that well-known bank "has already earned enough" to fall in the value of the zloty.

for some time something else will be on top. Analysts will write what they think, cures whether they will consider the status of our portfolios - I do not think (that I may be wrong).


exchange rates, euro , rate of the zloty

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank
now many Poles. In times of crisis, that we need to deal, should be particularly carefully examine the loan offers to choose the best that is to say that the easiest way to pay.

If you are interested in home loans is worth
apply for subsidies for housing loans
. Aid under the government program "Family at home" are a growing interest. Both among clients and among developers, who lost big profits from the sale of flats "on the trunk, as a result of the crisis now need to drain the money.
State aid is based on the fact that for a period of eight years repaying it to half the interest on the loan, but the level of the interest rate can not exceed the 6.82 percent today. If it does, in real terms aid does not cover half the interest. In order to receive payment must satisfy several conditions.
- A surcharge will be eligible, a person with no other ownership housing.
- The costs of buying a house or apartment may not exceed given by the Central Statistical Office the average cost of construction in the province or a provincial town.
- Mortgage in charge in the purchase or construction of a dwelling of not more than 75mkw or a single family house with an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 140mkw. This means that "surplus" fund size of the property itself.

lucrative business of lending to the budgetary subsidies zwietrzyły the banks by taking out a loan because we carefully choose the bank in order to benefit from the subsidies have not been swallowed up by excessive borrowing costs (commissions for the bank).

As for car loans online fast
you compare car loans
. You compare all available loans with each other. Best to fill a few forms of contact and choose the best offer. As in the case of housing loans, and here the differences in credit costs are high. It is well known that the higher borrowing costs, the more money you need to take and the harder it will pay off the loans.

choosing a loan and keep it until the end of sanity and a degree of distrust of institutions that we want to grant this credit. It should closely follow up the agreement and if possible try to modify the more negative points. ---

MotoFinanse.PL - loans and car insurance

This article is excerpted from website Note for the payment of

Policy withdraw money from savings accounts, quite different at individual banks, and often do not belong to transparent. The general rule is that - once a month, money from savings accounts to choose at no cost, and further charges may no longer worthwhile. If your bank does not charge for 10 PLN, and keep your account, for example, seven thousand. PLN, windfalls are only three withdrawals per month, to "overeat" all the interest. When smaller amounts may not pay two or even one extra payment a month. We must also consider the seemingly complimentary transfers from a savings account, because they do not necessarily belong to such. For example, Volkswagen Bank direct, does not charge fees for transfers from a savings account, but they are free only for holders of a token, for the issue of which you have to pay 36 PLN. The banks bid for a further payment also differ depending on whether you take cash at the branch that we transfer to a regular account (this solution will usually be cheaper.) Is there any significance to whether the account is the same whether in a foreign bank. It is a way to convince the customer to transfer to a new bank not only cost savings, but a whole of finance. In some cases, having a savings account is quite dependent on the usual assumptions ROR-u.

It is expected that the savings accounts will continue to grow, and the amount collected on these measures will continue to grow. Right now you can call it a standard part of banks' offer, and if you check the rumors and put them in PKO BP, is for the moment will be difficult to find a bank, in which the offer will not find a savings account.

Create Account - visit the website --- moneyport

moneyport - Dock Your Finances do not agree to edit or delete links from the article.

This article is excerpted from website - banks bank

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Backyard Wrestling Ring Portable

Eating lots of rocks, and snow chinese ... Picnic 2011

long time since I've been on such a successful exit. After the escapades in the style of "pupeczka of the car to the hotel" is slowly ceasing to believe that I will go back to the mountains. Fortunately
"Where harcerek former two, there chance and Kudowa Mountain."
Already on Friday, set off to Mary, a car, right after work, to first receive the keys to our rooms.
(place your ad: www.linda-, 35 zł per night).
basic principle of two women going by car to make the trip to have some entertainment.
We started, so klachać in Gliwice and skończyłyśmy on the border with the Czech Republic, because it turned out that the Kudowa przegadałyśmy corner. Messenger
Patrol arrived at night, a lone rider on a motorcycle Damian, the next day.
On Saturday, we were able to include the "Bad Rock" and is already in full court, "Szczeliniec.
In some places you need to squeeze through the narrow linkups, so I do not recommend white dresses or ball gowns spreading (bridal certainly fall off.) The picture we are in the slot, and a Lord at the end - the so-called. master plan of the fifth.
Who only eats fast food, but unfortunately stuck on the first stone gate.
On Sunday we went to rock city in the country.
and Adršpach Teplice Rocks, are amazing. The former, are theoretically less spectacular, but more charming. The latter, like the more commercial, but the surprising sights, such as the azure lakes of the photograph.
Quite interesting were the names of rock such as "Hedgehog in the frog," or "hand holding ice cream." Our west-southern neighbors under the banner of dumplings, they have really Ułańska fantasy. We also We called rock and to the Czech. And so our version one of the formations are: "Instrumentation worm" because it resembled a rock, our female students in physiotherapy, armed tapeworm.
At my attention well deserved, "Anna Valley." On Monday, the female part of the tour went on, "Mushrooms" (rock, of course), and men's for pizza with mushrooms. Afternoon
chance we got to the chapel of skulls. On the walls of the small room is about 3,000 skulls and human bones, in the crypt beneath the chapel another 20-30 thousand. In general, can be perceived seriousness this place, and on the back runs a shiver of anxiety.

Kudowa, as befits the resort has to offer the mineral waters. First, you must have fully aware that drinking water is healing, otherwise we have the impression that the water from one of two sources, it taps przerdzewiałych pipes. Night we spent in a world record six-game ... Chinaman. It was the kind of marathon, I was eliminated (or rather, fallen stock) of 1.00, won by Mary (about 2.00).
last day morning I received a text message reads as follows "We go skiing?". Pushed the curtains, and there on January 1. With the latter podrygowi Ms. Winters returned home seven hours. Omieszkaliśmy not to share this news and the current situation on the roads of Lower Silesia Wroclaw radio audience. Aired on pozdrowiliśmy "Damian and Marysia from the car ahead." Taking congratulated us on a good mood despite the weather conditions. After further communications radio and after a short discernment of the situation before us, we decided to turn around and go another way. As they say: better a long time go through the Czech Republic than in Poland to become long (proverb own patriotic enough.) And so the winding mountain roads we arrived home. Damian had to return only after his motorbike a few days later ...
conclusion, rocks, rocks, skałeczki, sun and good friends is a pretty good recipe for a successful picnic.