I've never been to a country where everything would be so different. Another zone, the outlet, religion, left hand traffic, lack of seasons, rice for breakfast and hose with water instead of toilet paper in the toilet. If this country lies a few kilometers to the south and flowing water in the tub she shot to the left I'd probably have gone mad. Fortunately, Malaysia will fit in the north.
as probably has ever written, I am not a big fan of flying an airplane. The first time I'm looking for small-scale turbulence, a pen and paper, To write a will. I'm the only person who reads a pamphlet on emergency exits and actually listen to flight attendants during their course of BHL (Flight Safety and Hygiene). Waiting for clearance typically analyze each passenger individually, assessing face and manner of behavior, whether it can be a terrorist. For obvious reasons, my focus is mainly on the Muslims. So far, flew mainly to Western countries, where Islamists are a minority. But this time I flew to Malaysia, so the plane was full of worshipers of Allah. I know that not every Muslim is a terrorist. Ba, 99% are decent citizens. The aircraft, however, change my whole outlook on life. I can even eat there, I hated cooked vegetables, and suddenly I feel like the tea. I do not feel comfortable in the air and now. Not so happy for 14 hours of flight.
"We have a problem" - is one of those sentences, which you never want to hear from the pilot. Others include "Good morning, I will now state a pilot and this will be my first flight without an instructor." I happened to be the first. As soon as it flowed from the speakers I felt the heat as the passenger train, in which the heating has not yet broken. Fortunately, this sentence was a further part. "We have a problem with a computer system in your TV, so for some time, you can not watch movies." That, I'd prefer one of two broken engine. Aircraft can fly on one, and go 14 hours without a movie that's suicide.
general, however, was not so bad, and a crash was quickly remedied. Malaysian airlines employ the best pirates Internet, who apparently recover their best films. Some of them have not yet had its premiere. Unfortunately, before we saw everything we had wanted to land. Pilot stopped me at the end of "The Town" and now I do not know whether the girl Ben Affleck, whom he had met her kidnapping during a bank robbery, forgive him. I assume not.
After landing in Malaysia did not feel great excitement because of this. My indifference I really did not like. I was a the other end of the earth, and I felt like I rode the bus 51 the Millennium, has traveled the entire route and got off the Ligota. Step off a long trip and in the forest. Nothing special. It was only later began to pursue me where I am. When, instead of feral Stargańcu buszujących after, I saw a monkey walking down the street. As the temperature soared to a level that Malaysian women began to consider converting to Christianity, just to throw off the cloak covering their entire body. Finally, I felt like I should feel, at the official dinner on the beach, one of the luxury resorts. View of the sea and islands, cool music and above all the mass eating enough.
next day was a presentation of group cycling. Well, it's time to explain why I went to the Malaysia. The organizers invited me to race the Tour de Langkawi. Well, maybe not so much invited as wprosiłem himself, and they have paid for everything. In return, I wrote an account of the stages, gathering statements and inform the riders cycling fans in Poland, what is happening there. I had something to write about, because I took part in the race group of Polish CCC Polsat Polkowice.
The presentation did not have to write because there was a what. The competitors arrived, Wave and drove away. It was interesting before, when dosiadło to me a few Malaysian high school students. After a while they asked where I was. When I replied that the Polish started more than hour conversation. Gimnazjalistami first five, then ten, then sat on a female class caught in a white man in shorts. They asked about everything, what flavor, pork, as it is to touch the snow, what is the most famous beach Polish (or Polish beaches are even some names?). When asked about the famous Pole decided to pull out the heaviest work. The Pope! There is nobody in the world more famous, and certainly not in the world is more famous Pole. After a moment, reminded me that talking to young Muslims, the religion which taught how to fly planes (joke) or that during Ramadan, you can not pick his nose. The program has no words about the Pope. - Do you know who is the Pope? - I asked. I saw their eyes, they do not know what I mean. - "You know, it is the most famous person in the Catholic Church. That your Muhammad Ali. "Of course I did not say, because that would be extremely stupid, even for my standards. The conversation ended with an invitation to their school and will participate in the training of the retina. I did not go, and so I did not find this school. In addition, it was too hot and I did not want. Do not offended because of that and today I have on facebook four young friends from Malaysia.
After the first stage, which was played on the island of Langkawi, sailed by boat to Malaysia. When we descended from the deck we were greeted by hundreds of supporters who do not distinguish from the rest of the riders. For a moment I feel like Lance Armstrong. People were shouting, they wanted me nailed five of them and gave each other a picture. I treated to juice with coconut. Tasted and felt like I just drank water, which washed socks przebiegniętego moment before the marathon. - Pretty good - I lied with a smile on his face.
the next day I rode along with the race and I visited the north-western part of Malaysia. I met journalists from Algeria, China, Japan, Singapore, Italy, Spain, Australia and Ireland. Irishman I met the best, because I lived with him in the hotel rooms. I've never met man who worked so much. He got up at 7 and wrote. During the writing stage, the stage of writing, during dinner, he wrote, after supper he wrote. He went to bed at 1 am and after 4 days of such a high work rate began to behave strangely. He fell asleep before the laptop, talking without sense and hardly ate. When the situation was getting critical, the moment he walked into the room, fell asleep fully clothed in a position of Dracula, and after an hour nap back to work. I drove a car with a Chinese lady photographer. Also pracoholiczką. Probably took a picture any person who was standing by the road. All the time something has noted his small Chinese ołóweczkiem, in a small Chinese notesiku (really, everything was such a Sino-small). I always went all sweaty because I wore each other three cameras and a bag. Admittedly, that was provided to any conditions and it's no surprise. Sometimes I envied her that she took with him something that happened to me to be very imparted. For example, this zippered bags, which could put a book or a camera and be safe in case of rain. Unfortunately, there was no shortage of rain. I was unlucky, because on this year's monsoon poprzesuwały periods for 4-5 days and it rained. Nobody could not remember weather like this since the beginning of the race. The worst was at the top of the ramp at the Genting Highlands, where he ended up one of the stages. If I was a cyclist, it is precisely at this stage zakończyłbym career and threw the bike into a ditch. It rained, it was cold, windy, and nothing could be seen through the fog. It was so powerful that it even got to the hotel. Although in this case, the hotel is inappropriate word. It was the Silesia City Center, the amusement park and a small Las Vegas pressed under the roof, and the whole was enclosed hotels. All of this was located 1760 meters above sea level on the dinner I went for so long that the dessert I began to wonder whether it makes sense to return. The next day was, after breakfast and did not know if I have time to reach them. The restaurant was so far away that halfway through I had to change the time on the watch for a new time zone.
Weather anomalies were for me a serious threat. They could make it go back to the Polish nieopalony! Fortunately, the last day in Kuala Lumpur the sun came out. And it's decent. I did not care that my extreme danger of overheating. I had no intention to enter the shadow. I knew this was my last day in the scorching sun for the next month and I had to seize the opportunity.
return journey began on the same day, which ended the race. Again, a plane was too short to see all the movies and do not know what happened to the man, who was locked in the rock gap by the "127 hours". But I know what happened to the person who survived the thermal shock of landing in Warsaw. Now writes for the blog entry.
Ps. In this post I tried not to write about cycling. Anyway, after 10 days of writing I've had quite a bit. If someone is interested in who won, who lost, and he drew, was invited to the pro-cycling.org.
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