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From the viewpoint of the wife part 2
First something more about the Lisbon. Quite I forgot to write that much I liked ... Bethlehem. Calmly, then I write about, and those who thought they missed the lessons of religion, in which Jesus was born in Portugal, calm down, one of the districts of Lisbon called Belem, that is after our Bethlehem. The picture on the left of the Jeronimos Monastery,
and the next tower Torre de Belem - that guard the port of Lisbon was built by Manuel I happy. Less happy were those who were sent to her at the time I began to serve in prison. As I have written before, we were also in the aquarium. Overall, my favorite animal has always been a penguin (Linux because I have wallpaper on the computer at work), but this time the otter won with all other creatures. Nor was it able to penetrate even the stingray, whose number popisowym was buried in the sand. Have not seen creatures that prefer to pozowałoby photos than me. I would say even that it had practiced smile number 5 One of the nails stay in Lisbon was Azulejos Museum ("Museum of Tile" sounds too trivial.) Portuguese for centuries obkafelkowali his country, and the museum
can podpatrzeć best work. Among other things, is there something like Panorama Raclawicka, only that of ceramic tiles. In Lisbon, we spent five fantastic days exploring, tasting, partying. All good things come to an end, so it is also the day to leave the Hotel Residencial Florescente "to go on our little road trip to Porto, touching on Fatima. Well, I think if you compare the Fatima Czestochowa, many
grant me the right, but between the Polish and Portuguese place of worship, there are some differences. The Portuguese have a very interesting habits, and even rituals. One of them is burning wax body parts in a big fatims who oven (you can buy them at stands with glowing Maryjami Benedict XVI and the changing face depending on the angle of looking at the picture .) Melting of wax bodies, is to thank or ask for healing kidney, heart, liver, feet, etc. If it works, why not. The second "Exotic" for us is the habit of coming to the chapel and its orbit "on bended knee" (knee pads, also available for purchase at stands). Although promised that I k Basics Physical Therapy Clinical I pass, I'll go on kneeling pea to Czestochowa, it never
and frankly I did not know anyone who is actually on their knees to maszerowałby Jasna Gora. But I know many who are willing to napiliby Porto in Porto. We also belong to this group, as well as fan club devotees bridges, which are not lacking in Porto. Is the longest course in Lisbon - 17.2 km, but those in Porto were somehow more accessible and more architecturally brilliant. With the rest of the Portuguese children upatrzy
BRIEFINGS myself one of them, as a good and fairly large hill into a river. For us, staying in the city of bridges and the wine was quite short, but we managed to include to enter the tower from where you could see the city skyline, to reach the second river for a glass of port and night to make a brilliant picture of the city (Taken by Bart). In the morning, we went to the south of Portugal, with plans already mentioned the end of the world, and then dream beach in Portimao. In the next section, rock formations, sunset pictures in HD and your Poświata w falach Atlantyku...
English Version
In everyone’s life, there are some crucial moments, you might even say - milestones. I remember in January 2008, I wrote on a blog that small changes are coming up. I was thinking about moving to a new apartment. But this time, I can honestly say, that August
2010 brought big changes. A wedding was perfectly described by my brother, (unfortunately in polish) On that special day you really feel the support from your family and friends. Especially, when there are a lot of storm clouds on the sky. Some people say that rain on Your wedding day is because of all the girls, who are crying for the groom.
Luckily it had stopped raining, just before the wedding ceremony. It was a good sign,
I started to smile and this smile hadn’t left my face, till morning, when I saw the sunrise and went to bed. After that long introduction, I just want to say thanks again to everyone who remembered. But let’s smoothly move to the best part of getting married – Honeymoon. Q: Where the Groom should take his newly wedded wife?
A: To the end of the world!
Yes! Or just to the end of Europe, but for the Portuguese Capo da Roca was the end of the world in times, when they were just to about discover new lands.
Our adventure began in the heart of the country - Lisbon. The first day we tasted the local specialties. Unfortunately we did not know, that the appetizer does not go with Your meal, and that the roll with a slice of ham will cost us 15 Euros. It turned o ut, that our hotel was in the center of everything, and it was very easy to discover all the flavor of Lisbon. During the day we were sightseeing and in the evening we were visiting Bairo Alto neighborhood, where all the par ties are going on. My favorite thing in
Lisbon, was the monastery or actually just its walls, which are left after a major earthquake. You can sit between the walls and look at the blue sky. Really impressing.
Second best was a beautiful castle and a star of Aquarium – wonderful Otter.
I also liked ... Bethlehem. Those who thought they missed the lessons of religion, in which Jesus was born in Portugal, calm down, one of the
districts of Lisbon is called Belem, which means Bethlehem. The Jeronimos Monastery, which we visited first, was splendid. Then we’ve seen the tower Torre de Belem - that guard the port of Lisbon. It was built by Manuel I Happy. Less happy were those, who were sent to it, at the time it began to be a prison.
As I have written before, we were also in the aquarium. Overall, my favorite animal has always been a penguin (at work I have the Linux penguin as my wallpaper on my computer), but this time the otter won with all other creatures. No one w as able to compete with it, even the stingray, which could buried in the sand. I have not seen any other creature, that would like to pose to photos, like this otter.
One of the high spots of the stay in Lisbon was “Azulejos Museum” (the name "Museum of the Tile" is too trivial.) Portuguese for centuries were putting the tiles everywhere, so the hole country is full of Azulejos. The museum have the piece of the best work.
We spent five fantastic days exploring, tasting and partying in Lisbon.
But all good things come to an end , so the day, when we had to leave this beautiful city also came. We went on our little road trip to Porto, visiting Fatima on our way. The Portugue se have very interesting habits and rituals. One of them is burning body parts made out of wax in the great Fatima oven (you can buy them at the stands) This ritual is to thank or ask for healthy kidneys, heart, liver , feet, etc. If it works, why not. The second "exotic" habit is going on your knees to the chapel (knee pads, also available for purchase at stands.)
When we reached Porto, we had a glass of... Porto there. For us, staying in th e city of bridges and the wine was quite short, but we managed to visit the tower, where you could admire the city skyline and to walk across the r iver at night to make a brilliant picture of the city (Taken by Bartek). In the morning, we went to the south of
Portugal, the Portimao. So next time, let me tell you about rock formations , sunset pictures and Bride in the waves of the Atlantic ...
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