What do I do to the lack of current, hmmm, can call the electrician. The phone number stored in the cell had Oli. Great. With one small problem - in the discharge of the cell. We found the charger and very dziwiłyśmy that, when connected to our contact will not load. Fortunately, the two Polish women nierozgarniętym came to help you with the information, and so - Light ensued.
The first PICTURE technomexowa our team, not to be confused with a team of techno.
Problems with electrics was not for this center. A huge Christmas tree and lots of Christmas lights in the middle of November did not
wybiło anyone stoppers. On the next PICTURE I, Bogus, Ola and Rummy in the Christmas Duesseldorf. We here
gadu gadu about Christmas, and yet, it was only in November. In November we are, after all other events, less Christian, such as Andrew. Lost wax appeared to me birdie. But that was not tit. On one hand, waxy mass looked like an eagle, and how it turned it resembled a dove. I do not know what that might mean, but two days after Andrzejkach mama zrobiła gołąbki, więc to chyba to;)...
November is a month, when we go on a exhibition to
Duesseldorf called "Medica". Easy to guess, what kind of companies are having stands there:) Two years ago I was responsible for water and elecricity on the stand. I think I did a better job that time, because this year, the power went down at least 3 times. Oh, well , (sh)it happens.
Everything was ok with electricity in the downtown of Duesseldorf, despite all those Christmas decoration in the middle of November.
On the pics You can see our Technomex team, then me, Bogusia, Aleksandra and Remik in downtown.
Let Also me tell you a little bit about next pictures, WHERE You can see weird shadows. In Poland on the 30th of November in have the name of Andrew's day. It is a day, when I Andrews are all celebrating and the rest is trying to Predict Their Future. How Do You Do That? You take a candle, dissolve it and then pour it thourgh the key into the pot with cold water. You then take the hardened wax and You watch the
shadow of it on the wall. On the pics You can see my future. Eagle and the pigeon, no clue what does it means. Any ideas ???...

gadu gadu about Christmas, and yet, it was only in November. In November we are, after all other events, less Christian, such as Andrew. Lost wax appeared to me birdie. But that was not tit. On one hand, waxy mass looked like an eagle, and how it turned it resembled a dove. I do not know what that might mean, but two days after Andrzejkach mama zrobiła gołąbki, więc to chyba to;)...
November is a month, when we go on a exhibition to

Everything was ok with electricity in the downtown of Duesseldorf, despite all those Christmas decoration in the middle of November.
On the pics You can see our Technomex team, then me, Bogusia, Aleksandra and Remik in downtown.

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