In the last few weeks has happened so much that the following post probably will be the longest ever write on this blog. When you finish reading this, Americans will not remember already a crisis, melting glaciers drown the Netherlands, and the iPhones will be phones for the poor. Herring, however, still will exist.
After completing the "Work", was given to me "& Travel". During the "&" I flew the plane from the father of the American family. It has a pilot's license and once every few months must perform three takeoffs and landings after sunset. I could not refuse such an attraction, although I'm not a fan of the special flight. I feel very confident in the aircraft, an illiterate like playing Scrabble. Much nicer for me on the ground, on a bike for example. This year, I've finally managed to visit the "cycling temple" in Waterloo, a place of business of the manufacturer of my Trek and Lance Armstrong bike. Once a week organized tour of the factory, but not all of it I understood, because, as the English vocabulary altered the cycling of engineering, I was sick. I could be a photograph with all the "machinery" in which Armstrong won his seven Tour de France races.
In the summer and I decided to finally learn the rules of baseball. This objective, I managed to achieve and since then, the strike is for me not only to protest nurses. Test the knowledge of the principles I had not just anywhere, because the stadium Miller Park in Milwaukee, where the team played their home games the Milwaukee Brewers. We had such a good place, even without using the zoom on the camera I was able to see the scar on the wrist of the biggest stars of the Brewers, Prince Fielder (by the way he earns so much money that even after entering the warm-up laces earned more than I did all summer .) We sat so close that with luck I could be killed by a disjointed football or released from Hand cue. As it happens in American sports is a lot of commercial breaks. If you watch the match in front of TV, these moments are a waste of time (of course if you do not want you to pee, or do not have anything in the fridge). At the stadium was then going on the most. Between inningami (such baseball sets from) races are held sausage mascots (last place was taken by Polish Sausage), contests for fans, and fireworks. After nearly three hours, the Brewers won the Houston Astros 7:2, and Fielder broke one of the club record. We chose a good match.
The next day I had to leave Wisconsin Dells, and go to Chicago. There he began to start the "Travel". Two days spent in a city where nobody knows that it is also such a river, Jordan. Then he got on the plane and came to ... Seattle. Relax, it was not the ultimate purpose of my trip. After 6 hours of waiting I got to the next plane and this time I landed in San Francisco .... But it also was not the end. For 50 minutes I had another aircraft. I felt like the air version of the passenger train to Zwardoń. All the time I stopped somewhere. In total, the whole trip lasted 18 hours until Finally a nice lady hostess greeted all a hearty "Welcome to Honolulu - Hawaii." Hawaii is the state capital and largest city on the island of Oahu has done for me, an electrifying first impression. Then a second, third, fourth, and so on. On the first day recovering from each other.
Later that same day I climbed to the summit of Diamond Head Crater. Americans do not have for him a special affection, because the asphalt road to it and does not need to enter it. According to one of the guides, the Diamond Head Honolulu is something that the Eiffel Tower for Paris, the Statue of Liberty in New York and a water tower Mine Szombierki "for Bytom. From the mountains offer superb views of the entire southern coast of Oahu, 45 minutes worth of walking in 40 degree heat and niewychodzonych sneakers. Right next to the crater is a film studio, which just filmed "Lostów. Protection, however, would not let me get off the sidewalk and get close to the park, so you need not look for me on an episode of the sixth series "Lost."
4th d
planned on Sunday, renting a bike and an 8-hour ride. I have already paid for borrowing, dressed in his cycling outfit, I bought candy bars, energy wysmarowałem neck and sun cream, unfortunately, all this for nothing. I did not get a bike because I did not have a credit card. I had to change the program date. On the new plan but I could not complain. In the morning
penultimate day I went to Kailua Beach, which is identified by several magazines as the most beautiful beach in the world. I will not contradict this issue. Rented a canoe and there a little later to regret. At the entrance, with high waves, strongly poobijałem. When launching got lost all energy bars and dipped camera. Ziploc plastic bag (so it shuts down, somewhere I found a string bag), I was very disappointed. After about 2 hours paddling canoe pulled to the beach, one of the small islands. When I came back from reconnaissance, canoe drifting in the ocean, the luck just off shore. Some more waves came and took him away. After that, when he caught a, and I wanted to enter it, slipped out from under me and left a few meters. I was a few meters from the shore and I could not reach the bottom. So I had to paddle and sandals in one hand and chase in the open ocean kayak. Such sites are not offering any travel agency.
last day in Honolulu, a few hours before the flight decided to pay for a surfing lesson at the beach Waikkiki. I went pretty well, but I'll wait a little longer to slogging results for 26-meter wave. When I returned to the bank learned that the Indonesia have a massive tsunami, which in a few hours can get to Hawaii. Fortunately, that day came back.
If I had more resources, it is certainly not nudziłbym up for another week. Hawaii proved to everyone what happened after they expected, although a little afraid of this trip. When I told a colleague from the Pizza Pub, I was going alone to Hawaii, said: Are you f **** n crazy! Now I can say that I could not make a better decision. Nobody I do not marudził, I did what I wanted and when I wanted. By the way I met a lot of new people - Scot living in Spain, the American, who is Polish by birth and for 2 days of flying to Rabka, a British couple who for decades lived in Arizona, two cousins \u200b\u200bfrom New York and New Zealand, or students from Germany, Sweden, Taiwan, Greece, whom I met on the bus back from the Police Beach.
I do not know whether next year's holiday plans will include a trip to the Work & Travel. However, I know that for sure once I get back to Hawaii. There are several islands to visit. For now, however, I have enough sight to Rysianki, kayaking in Pszczynce, driving Fiat Panda circled the area where the "Holy War" and surfing the Internet. Aloha!
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