Hello again. Behind him, move on to things a little marketing work here under my other hand. Although it is official, but what the hell, better statistics are always useful. By the way, those who do not yet know what I do see what's going on (although it seems to me that such people are probably not even my dad knows very well what it is Lokomat), no, and I will dump every now and then empty time on the blog, the hard work on this site for rehabilitation. Not extending, nicely invited to www.hocoma.pl There are some nice pictures and video clips, generally works for rehabilitation.
Ok, its done, now let's return to private life. In this topic, too much going on.
With the rest of what is there to say, click twice ... FILM:
Well, yes. I hope that you will be there:)
My list of things to do, fortunately, is no longer some points are cleared as well. Nevertheless, there are nonetheless some signs of panic. I tend to have dreams about kołtuniastych hair and jeans instead of dresses, all of this, I'm only a waitress at the wedding and I'm doing badly the administration of coffee with whiskey aunts.
ps during making of this film by me and John, do not hit any animals or people ... but little was missing;)
Angielski Version
Lately I am working on two things. One less important, my other website www.hocoma.pl about robots in rehabilitation. But more important
is the thing, That I Mentioned in the movie.
I know it is in polish, but hopefully You will get the point:) Magic date: 15th of August 2010. Enjoy watching ... Double click
Will Lead You to YouTube and then you think you can choose Full Screen, But You probably know that:)